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Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 2003 , Vol 9 , Issue 2
Occurance of Intestinal Atresia and Their Operative Treatments in Calves: 54 cases (1992-2000)
Pages 113-118
Lipid Peroxidation and Antioxidant Levels in the Lungs and Associated Lymph Nodes of Cattle with Anthracosis
Pages 119-123
Das Enden Von Ampulla İlei, Ampulla Coli, Appendix Vermiformis Caeci und İleum Auf Cecum; Makro Anatomischer und Histomorfologischer Bau Von Valvula İlealis und Ostium İlealis
Pages 125-129
The Effects, of Carbon Tetrachlorur Posion on the Biochemical and Pathologic Parameters as A Result of Lipid Peroxidation in Geese
Pages 131-136
Alterations in Erythrocyte Antioxidant System After Chronic Administration of High Dose of Ethanol to Mice
Pages 137-140
Investigation of Antigenic Specifity Against Somatic Taenia Hydatigena Antigen in Dogs by SDS-Page and Western Blotting
Pages 141-145
Serum Amiloid-A und Haptoglobin Konzentrationen bei Kühen Mit Puerperalstörungen und Dislocatio Abomasi
Pages 147-151
Formation of Cerebral Arterial Circle (Circulus Arterious Cerebri) in the Fetus of Zavot Bred Cattle
Pages 153-156
Histological and Histometrical Study on the Structure of Goose Kidney
Pages 157-160
Investigation of the Superoxide Dismutase, Catalase and Glutathione Peroksidase Activities of Erithrocytes in Tuj Sheep withExperimental Chronic Fluorosis
Pages 161-164
Examination of Coliforms, Ecoli, and E coli O157 in Raw Milk and Ripened White Cheese Samples Sold in Kars-Turkey
Pages 165-167
The Isolation of Pasteurella Haemolytica from Pneumonic Lungs of Cattle and Sheep and Identification,
Biotyping and Determination of the Antibiotic Susceptibility of the Isolates
Pages 169-175
In Two New Zealand Rabbits Observation of Ectopic Pregnancy Case
Pages 177-180
In Two New Zealand Rabbits Observation of Ectopic Pregnancy Case
Pages 181-186
Treatment of Ossa Coxae Fractures and Related Complications in Cats and Dogs and Clinical Evaluation of Late Period Results
Pages 187-202
Clinical, Radiographical, and Histopathological Findings of A Dog with Osteosarcoma
Pages 203-206
Hypoplasia Penis, Hypoplasia Preputiale and Anorschidism Case in A Calf
Pages 207-209
A Case of Juvenile Cellulitis in A Dog
Pages 211-213
Effects of Anaesthetic Agents Used in Cats and Dogs an the Heart
Pages 215-218
Use of Drugs for the Treatment of the Cats with Behavior Distubance
Pages 223-227
Journal Cover