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2 Record Found
The Effect of Midazolam and Its Reversal Flumazenil on Sedative and Cardiopulmonary Variables in Sheep DOI : 10.9775/kvfd.2021.26300
Determination of Macro and Trace Element Levels of Serum, Tears, Saliva, and Hair Samples in Kilis Goats with ICP-MS DOI : 10.9775/kvfd.2022.27674
The Effect of Midazolam and Its Reversal Flumazenil on Sedative and Cardiopulmonary Variables in Sheep DOI : 10.9775/kvfd.2021.26300
Determination of Macro and Trace Element Levels of Serum, Tears, Saliva, and Hair Samples in Kilis Goats with ICP-MS DOI : 10.9775/kvfd.2022.27674