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3 Record Found
The Investigation of Some Pathogenic Microorganisms and Determination of the Microbiologic Quality of Ground Beef Sold in Kars
Observation of Lactic Acid Bacteria and Yeast Populations During Fermentation and Cold Storage in Cow"s, Ewe"s and Goat"s Milk Kefirs DOI : 10.9775/kvfd.2010.2119
Kars'ta Satışa sunulan Kaşar ve Çeçil (Civil) Peynirlerinin Bazı Mikrobiyolojik ve Kimyasal Kalite Nitelikleri
The Investigation of Some Pathogenic Microorganisms and Determination of the Microbiologic Quality of Ground Beef Sold in Kars
Observation of Lactic Acid Bacteria and Yeast Populations During Fermentation and Cold Storage in Cow"s, Ewe"s and Goat"s Milk Kefirs DOI : 10.9775/kvfd.2010.2119
Kars'ta Satışa sunulan Kaşar ve Çeçil (Civil) Peynirlerinin Bazı Mikrobiyolojik ve Kimyasal Kalite Nitelikleri