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Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi
2017 , Vol 23 , Issue 1
Vakum Paketli Şavak Tulum Peynirlerinde Potasyum Sorbatın Kullanımı
1Fırat Üniversitesi, Veteriner Fakültesi, Gıda Hijyeni ve Teknolojisi Bölümü, TR-23119 Elazığ - TÜRKİYE
This study was carried out to determine the shelf life of vacuum packaged Şavak tulum cheese supplemented with potassium sorbate. For this
purpose, ewe milk was divided to four groups as K (control group), A (added with 0.05% potassium sorbate), B (added with 0.1% potassium
sorbate), and C (added with 0.2% potassium sorbate). The groups were stored in refrigerator (4°C) and analyzed for microbiological (Total
mesophilic aerobic bacteria, LLP, lactic streptococcus, coliforms, lipolytic bacteria, proteolytic bacteria, yeast and mold, E. coli, Staph. aureus,
and C. perfringens), chemical (pH, acidity, aw, fat, salt, dry matter, ash, and residue sorbic acid) and sensorial (package, appearance, structure,
odor, taste and general acceptability) attributes on days 0, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210.and 240. of storage. The control group, A, B and C
groups were deteriorated as regards sensorial on days 120, 150, 180. and 270. of storage, respectively. C. perfringens was found in none of the
groups. E. coli was found to be below detection limit after 90 days in control group, 15 days in A and B groups, and on day 0 in C group. Staph.
aureus wasfound to be below detection limit after 30 days in control group, 15 days in A and B groups, and on day 0 in C group.Residue sorbic
acid level was detected as 0.002 ppm in group A on day 120, 0.006 ppm in group B on day 150, and 0.11 ppm in group Con day 240. The
most popular group by panelists was group C. Consequently, it was seen that savak tulum cheese can be vacuum packaged and consumed
in small porsions by consumers, and the use of potassium sorbate in vacuum packaged Savak tuulum cheese has an inhibitory effect on E.
coli and Staph.aureus.
Keywords :
Vacuum package, Tulum cheese, Potassium sorbate