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Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi
2023 , Vol 29 , Issue 4
First Record of Trombiculosis Due to the Chigger Mite Kepkatrombicula desaleri in Domestic Goats in Bulgaria and Treatment AttemptsFirst Record of Trombiculosis Due to the Chigger Mite Kepkatrombicula desaleri in Domestic Goats in Bulgaria and Treatment Attempts
1Trakia University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Veterinary Microbiology, Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, 6014 Stara Zagora, BULGARIA
Trombiculosis is a parasitic skin disease caused by larvae of mites from the family
Trombiculidae (chiggers). In general, larvae provoke dermatitis. Kepkatrombicula
desaleri Methlagl, 1928 is one of species involved in the etiology of animal trombiculosis,
detected in European goats. The aim of the present study was to detect the species of
trombiculid mites infesting goats and to recommend appropriate means for control
of provoked disease. The study included total of 141 goats from two flocks in the
Kalugerovo village, Pazardzhik district, Bulgaria. All infested goats from the first flock
were treated with ivermectin, and those from the second flock - with cypermethrin.
The identification of larvae showed their affiliation to the K. desaleri Methlagl, 1928
species. In the first flock, 15 infected goats were detected (17%) vs 7 (13%) in the second
flock. The mites were detected on eyelids, medial eye angles, nose and ears as orangered
papules. Neither squamae nor crusts were found in the skin adjacent to chiggers"
location, and goats did not show any clinical signs. The treatment with ivermectin was
ineffective, and spraying with cypermethrin resulted in reduced motility and rapid
death of 100% оf mites only several minutes after the treatment. The mites infected only
animals with dark haircoat regardless of their age and sex.
Keywords :
Bulgaria, chiggers, goats, mites, treatment