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Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi
2022 , Vol 28 , Issue 2
Evaluation of Surgical Treatment Using PRF Membrane in Deep Corneal Ulcers Accompanied by a Descemetocele in Cats: Retrospective Study (2019-2021)
1Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Surgery Department, TR-34315 Istanbul - TÜRKİYE
In the present study, the results of the new generation platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) membrane graft application in deep corneal
ulcers accompanying descemetocele in cats in ocular surface reconstruction surgery were evaluated, and a retrospective non-comparative
study covering the period between May 2019 and August 2021 was conducted. Patients underwent routine surgical procedures for corneal
ulcers, and then a new-generation autologous PRF membrane graft was transplanted to the ulcer site. Nineteen eyes were analyzed (14
males, five females). Corneal integrity and vision were achieved in all cases aft er treatment. No signs of infection and infl ammation were
noted aft er membrane transplantation. Th e PRF membrane was transplanted to the defected area with sutures generating highly eff ective
results in eliminating the defect"s urgency, supporting the cornea, and accelerating the corneal healing. Corneal integration of the PRF
membrane was successful in all cases without postoperative separation or stretching. In conclusion, the PRF membrane graft ing was safely
and eff ectively utilized in the surgical treatment of deep corneal ulcers in cats with a success rate of 89.4% in descemetocele cases.
Keywords :
Cat, Corneal ulcer, Descemetocele, Graft , PRF membrane