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Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi
2021 , Vol 27 , Issue 3
Determining the Location of Tibial Fracture of Dog and Cat Using Hybridized Mask R-CNN Architecture
1Kırıkkale University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering, TR-71451 Kırıkkale - TÜRKİYE2Gazi University, Faculty of Technology, Department of Computer Engineering, TR-06560 Ankara - TÜRKİYE DOI : 10.9775/kvfd.2021.25486 The aim of this study is to hybridize the original backbone structure used in the Mask R-CNN framework, and to detect fracture location in dog and cat tibia fractures faster and with higher performance. With the hybrid study, it will be ensured that veterinarians help diagnose fractures on the tibia with higher accuracy by using a computerized system. In this study, a total of 518 dog and cat fracture tibia images that obtained from universities and institutions were used. F1 score value of this study on total dataset was found to be 85.8%. F1 score value of this study on dog dataset was found to be 87.8%. F1 score value of this study on cat dataset was found to be 77.7%. With the developed hybrid system, it was determined that the localization of the fracture in an average tibia image took 2.88 seconds. The results of the study showed that the hybrid system developed would be beneficial in terms of protecting animal health by making more successful and faster detections than the original Mask R-CNN architecture. Keywords : Cat, Dog, Fracture, Hybrid, Mask R-CNN, Tibia