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Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi
2021 , Vol 27 , Issue 1
Comparison of Different Order and Heterogeneous Residual Variances Legendre Polynomials in Random Regression Models
1Department Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ondokuz Mayis, TR-55139 Samsun - TURKEY
In this study, it was aimed to estimate covariance function, covariance components, permanent environmental effect, additive genetic
effect and heritability values, and comparison of models with different order and heterogeneous residual variances Legendre Polynomials
in the first lactation Turkish Holstein cows more than 10 test day milk yields. For this aim, 7340 test day records of 386 Holstein Friesian
cows in the first lactation raised in private dairy farm calving from 2013 to 2018 in Kırşehir-Turkey were used. The six Legendre polynomial
models by random regression described as L(2,2), L(3,3), L(4,4), L(5,5), L(6,6) and L(7,7) were evaluated using first lactation test day records.
Heterogeneous residual variances (RV) were modeled by considering five sub-classes. Analyzes were performed using the WOMBAT statistical
package. In comparison of the models, -2LogL, Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), Bayes Information Criterion (BIC) and RV were used. Also,
the compatibility of random regression models was examined in terms of eigenvalues of covariance matrices. The values of -2LogL (between
28334.16 and 26610.07), AIC (between 28356.16 and 26732.07) and BIC values (between 28432.05 and 27129.21) obtained from the study
result decreased as the model order increased. As a result, it was determined that the 3rd degree Legendre polynomial model can provide
sufficient compliance. However, when looking at the values for -2LogL, AIC and RV, it was determined that the L(7,7) model fits well according
to other models.
Keywords :
Heritability, Permanent environmental effect, Additive genetic effect, Holstein Friesian, First lactation