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Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi
2020 , Vol 26 , Issue 2
Assessment of Regulations on Occupational Health and Safety in Agriculture in Turkey from the Point of Livestock Raising and Veterinary Medicine
1Harran University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of History of Veterinary Medicine and Deontology, TR-63200 Şanlıurfa - TURKEY2Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of History of Veterinary Medicine and Deontology, TR-55139 Samsun - TURKEY
3Selçuk University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of History of Veterinary Medicine and Deontology, TR- 42003 Konya - TURKEY DOI : 10.9775/kvfd.2019.22680 Agriculture is the second largest source of employment following the service sector in the whole world, and it is among the most dangerous sectors concerning diseases and premature death. Majority of the families working in the agriculture sector also deal with livestock raising (cattle, sheep and goat farming) or they live in the areas with a high possibility of contact with animals. There are various problems since the occupational health and safety services do not cover the ones working on their own behalf and due to problems in the delivery of health services appropriate for the rural areas. Veterinary physicians, who play an important role in animal health, public health, and environment, have also important tasks in the implementations of occupational health and safety in livestock raising in agriculture sector. The material of this study was comprised of national and international regulations concerning occupational health and safety. The implementations of regulations of the International Labor Organization (ILO) were evaluated in terms of livestock raising and veterinary medicine. As the conclusion, in Turkey, it was determined that the regulations about occupational health and safety in agriculture did not involve the veterinary physicians concerning both safety practice and job safety; it can be suggested that it should be updated. Keywords : Agriculture, Livestock raising, Veterinary medicine, Occupational health and safety