12 Record Found

Microbiologic Investigations on Goose Embryos Diet Hatching - Tray and in Shells
The Dedection of Brucella Antibodies with Microagglutin Ationtest (MAT) in the Bovine Sera
Isolation and Identification of Aspergillus fumigatus from Geese
Studies on the Prevalence of Subclinic and Clinic Mastitis and Antibiotic Sensitivity in Imported Simmental Cows in Kars District
The Epizootiology and Epidemiology of Anthrax in Kars District Assessment, of Anthrax Cases Recorded Between 1995 and 2000, Some Charecteristics of B anthracis Strains Isolated from Various Sources
The Isolation and Identification of Bacteria and Parasites from Diarrhoeic Calves in Kars District
Pathological and Bacterioligical Investigations on Bovine Mastitis in Kars Region and Its Surrounds
Fusobacterium necrophorum Infections in Domestic Animals
Recovery of Thermophilic Campylobacter spp. in Healthy and Diarrhoeic Pets by Three Culture Methods and Identification of the Isolates by Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction (mPCR) DOI : 10.9775/kvfd.2014.11010

The Prevalence of Campylobacter jejuni in Domestic and Wild Animal in Kars District
Kars Yöresinde Atık Yapan Koyunların Kan Serumlarında Chlamydia psittaci'ye Karşı Oluşan Antikorların Komplement Fiksasyon (CF) ve Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbend Assay (ELISA) Testleri Saptanması
Prophylactic and Therapeutic Use of Vaccine Against Trichophytosis in Cattle
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