11 Record Found

The Effect of Different Photoperiods on the Fattening Performance of Morkaraman, and Morkaraman X Tuj Crossbred Male Lambs
Venous Blood Gaz Values in Cattle Kept Indoor
Comparison of Reproductive Performance of Morkaraman and Tushin Ewes in Kars Region
Comparison of Growth Charecteristics of Morkaraman and Tuj Lambs in Kars Region
Immunocytochemical Localisations of the Orexin-A with Calbindin D and Nitrik Oxide Synthase in the Rat Spinal Cord
An Investigation on Morphological Charecteristics of Turkish Native Horses in Kars Region
Slaughter and Carcass Traits of Geese Raised in Boğazköy-Kars
Milk Yield and Udder Charecteristics in Tuj and Morkaraman Ewes and the Relationships Between Them
Ördeklerin Kesim ve Karkas Özelliklerine Cinsiyet ve Irkın Etkisi DOI : 10.9775/kvfd.2011.5627

Current Status of Cattle Shelters in Livestock Enterprises and Breeder Demands in Kars: I. Current Status DOI : 10.9775/kvfd.2012.7282

Current Status of Cattle Shelters in Livestock Enterprises and Breeder Demands in Kars: II. Breeder Demands DOI : 10.9775/kvfd.2012.7283

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