22 Record Found

Castration which Performed with Extirpation of the Scrotal Sac in the Horses
The Signifigance of Haematologic, Radiographic, Laparotomic Findings and Gluteraldehyde (GA) Test in Diagnosis of Reticuloperitonitis Traumatica (RPT) in Cattle
Use of Hyaluronic Acid for the Treatment of Tendinitis and Tenosynovitis in Horses
The Use of Reticular Radiography in the Diagnosis of Traumatic Reticuloperitonitis in Cattle
A New Technique for the Operative Treatment of Umblical Lesions (Umblical Hernia, Urachal Fistula, Omphalophlebitis and Omphaloarteritis) in
Bull Calves
Investigation of the Adwerse Effect of the Local Anesthetics Combined with and without Adrenalin in Cattle
Treatment of Interdigital Fibroma with Electoextirpation and IVREGAB in Simmental Cattle: 6 Cases
Use of Contrast Radiography in Diagnosis of Umblical Lesions in Calves
Radiographic Findings in Normal Cattle and Cattle with Lung Diseases
A Case of Congenital Atresia Urethralis Distalis in Female Calf
Vegetative Bursitis Praecarpalis (Carpal Hygroma) Case Encountered in A Simmental Cow
A Case of Sialolith and Its Fistullation in a Horse
Myelography in Dogs with Iopamidol and Sodium-Meglumine Ioxithalamate
A Case of Congenital Permanent Frenulum Linguae and Lingu Bifida (Bifid Tongue) in An Anatolian Shepherd (Kangal) Dog
Vaginal Hyperplasia and Its Treatment with Cervicopexie in A Kangal (Anatolian Shepherd) Bitch
A Foot Cancer (Crapo) Case Encountered in A Horse and Its Extirpation by Electrocauter
Removal of Metalic Foreign Bodies Located in Reticulum Using Magnetic Tube: 180 Cases (1998-2002)
Preputial Aplasia, Urethral Diverticulum and Distal Urethral Atresia in Kids
General Evaluation of Umblical Lesions in Calves: 322 Cases (1996-2005)
Ocular Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Tuj Ewe
The Importance Use of Magnetis in Treatment and Preventionof Acute TRP in Cattle
The Use of Trypsin Inhibitor (TI) Test in the Diagnosis of Reticuloperitonitis Traumatica in Cattle
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